Unknown regexp options

When I try to “require”, “load” or use rdoc on a .rb file in IRB I get
the error

“SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):5: unknown regexp options - gary
from (irb):5”

Also, i’m using the preloaded irb on my mac which uses “>>” instead of
“irb(main):002:0>” at the command line. It’d be nice to have that
feature to know if I’m still coding within an object.

I can’t seem to find anything on either problem on the net. Your help is
greatly appreciated!

On Wednesday 29 September 2010, Gary R. wrote:

|feature to know if I’m still coding within an object.
|I can’t seem to find anything on either problem on the net. Your help is
|greatly appreciated!

I don’t have a mac, so I’m guessing. Have you perhaps a .irbrc file in
home directory? If so, then maybe that is the cause for both behaviours
get. Try running irb with the -f command line option, which disables
the .irbrc file, and see what happens.

Regarding the prompt issue, the >> prompt can be obtained by using the
–simple-prompt command line option, so maybe you can override this
the --prompt-mode default option.

I hope this helps


Thanks for you help Stefano!

I can’t find a .irbrc file, and my mac is set up so hidden files are
shown so that’s not the problem.

Running irb -f does show the “irb(main):001:0>” , so that’s half the

Still getting the unknown regexp though, even with the -f command.

any ideas?

On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 20:48:42 +0900, Gary R. [email protected]

any ideas?
You need to post your full irb session and the file you are trying to
require/load. The error looks like at some point in your file you must


Which to Ruby looks like you are trying to give the options ‘gary’ to
RegExp. Given the coincidence of your name, I would suggest you have a
simple syntax error in the file you are trying to load.

Gary R. wrote:

Still getting the unknown regexp though, even with the -f command.

Can you show exactly what you type, and exactly what response you get?

Also, what do you get from

ENV.select { |k,v| k =~ /RUBY/ }


On Wednesday 29 September 2010, Gary R. wrote:

|The .rb file was written in textedit with no rich text. I was using
|netbeans and my theory was that netbeans was throwing in some meta data
|with the file location that ruby was picking up and processing as a
|regular expression. But textedit is the same so I don’t think that’s the

The path of the file should be a string:

load ‘/Users/gary/Desktop/test.rb’


On Sep 29, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Gary R. wrote:

The content of the file is just:

puts “test”

The irb session is:

load /Users/gary/Desktop/test.rb


load “/Users/gary/Desktop/test.rb”

Otherwise, it looks like a literal regular expression.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Rob B.
[email protected] http://AgileConsultingLLC.com/
[email protected] http://GaslightSoftware.com/

Ah, You’re dead right there. Works perfectly now!

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

The content of the file is just:

puts “test”

The irb session is:

load /Users/gary/Desktop/test.rb
SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):3: unknown regexp options - gary
from (irb):3

The .rb file was written in textedit with no rich text. I was using
netbeans and my theory was that netbeans was throwing in some meta data
with the file location that ruby was picking up and processing as a
regular expression. But textedit is the same so I don’t think that’s the