I’m new to RUBY, but am familar with other scripting languages, PHP,
Perl, Wscript, etc. I’d like to be able to run items from the shell
such as ls -l > dirlisting.txt. Just an example. Can I do this?
I would have just used the search on these forums, but unfortuantely
when I click Search I get “The page cannot be found”. Hope they can
get this fixed so I won’t have to ask every little question.
Thanks in advance.
Greg Johnson wrote:
I’d like to be able to run items from the shell
such as ls -l > dirlisting.txt. Just an example. Can I do this?
Try the Pickaxe book, the first edition is available on-line in pdf
format. You can pass commands to the shell directly using back ticks s -l > dirlisting.txt
or the %x expansion %x{echo “me, me, me…”}
On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 12:23:08AM +0900, Greg Johnson wrote:
} I’m new to RUBY, but am familar with other scripting languages, PHP,
} Perl, Wscript, etc. I’d like to be able to run items from the shell
} such as ls -l > dirlisting.txt. Just an example. Can I do this?
} I would have just used the search on these forums, but unfortuantely
} when I click Search I get “The page cannot be found”. Hope they can
} get this fixed so I won’t have to ask every little question.
There are two ways. One way:
file_list = ls -l
file_list.each { |line|
puts “permissions for #{line[49…-1]} are #{line[1…9]}”
The other way:
system(‘ls -l > dirlisting.txt’)
} Thanks in advance.
} -Greg
Greg Johnson wrote:
Thanks for the tips, they work like a charm. Does anyone know why the
search functionality doesn’t work?
Not sure, but this search does:
Thanks for the tips, they work like a charm. Does anyone know why the
search functionality doesn’t work?
Gregory S. wrote:
file_list = ls -l
file_list.each { |line|
puts “permissions for #{line[49…-1]} are #{line[1…9]}”
The other way:
system(‘ls -l > dirlisting.txt’)
There are plenty of other ways.
system “ls”, “-l”
system “bash”, “-c”, “ls -l > dirlisting.txt”
Dir["*"].each {|f| File.symlink? f and puts f}