I installed this plugin GitHub - loudpixel/highcharts-rails: A plugin for displaying Highcharts graphs in Rails
and I put this code in my controller:
def panels
@ui_panels = Highchart.pie({
:chart => {
:renderTo => “pie-chart-container”,
:margin => [50, 30, 0, 30]
:credits => {
:enabled => true,
:href => ‘Market share for mobile, browsers, operating systems and search engines | NetMarketShare …
:text => ‘Data provided by NETMARKETSHARE’
:plotOptions => {
:pie => {
:dataLabels => {
:formatter => pie_label_formatter,
:style => {
:textShadow => ‘#000000 1px 1px 2px’
:series => [
:type => ‘pie’,
:data => browser_data
:subtitle => {
:text => ‘January 2010’
:title => {
:text => ‘Browser Market Share’
:tooltip => {
:formatter => pie_tooltip_formatter
Yet, I get this error:
NameError in DashboardController#panels
uninitialized constant DashboardController::Highchart
Any suggestions? thanks.