Uninitialized constant Test error when running Fitnisse ruby

has anyone seen this error before? I have no idea on how to fix I have
all but exhausted myself looking for the solutions to this

uninitialized constant Test
C:/Documents and
Settings/asingh/Desktop/QA/oriontests/orion_login.rb:1:in ' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture_loader.rb:65:inrequire’
require_file' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture_loader.rb:41:inblock in find_class’
each' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture_loader.rb:29:indetect’
find_class' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture_loader.rb:14:inblock in find_fixture_class’
collect' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture_loader.rb:14:infind_fixture_class’
find_class' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fixture.rb:138:inget_linked_fixture_with_args’
do_tables' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/lib/fit/fit_server.rb:93:inprocess’
run' C:/Ruby/Ruby1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/fit-1.2/bin/FitServer.rb:5:in

On 18.12.2009 19:11, Arti S. wrote:

has anyone seen this error before? I have no idea on how to fix I have
all but exhausted myself looking for the solutions to this

uninitialized constant Test

Your suit of tests is lacking a require, somewhere.

The details depend on what you use for testing, but one option is

require ‘test/unit’ # Ruby’s included test suit

That requires should be in every file doing tests, ideally, so you can
run them independently.

Thanks, that was close, I had included Test::Unit::TestCase without
requiring test/unit in my code.Thanks .

Phillip G. wrote:

On 18.12.2009 19:11, Arti S. wrote:

has anyone seen this error before? I have no idea on how to fix I have
all but exhausted myself looking for the solutions to this

uninitialized constant Test

Your suit of tests is lacking a require, somewhere.

The details depend on what you use for testing, but one option is

require ‘test/unit’ # Ruby’s included test suit

That requires should be in every file doing tests, ideally, so you can
run them independently.