The one thing that bothers me about ruby is the (as i see it?) separate
namespaces for locals and functions.
Variables take precedence, but you can override and get the functional
form in 2 ways:
def x; 1; end
x = 2
x # => 2
x() # => 1
self.x # => 1
- It seems somewhat messy, and prohibits using () as a message (eg,
sending :call)
x = proc { 1 }
x() # NoMethodError…
x[] # => 1
2a. It also leads to a more complex language to parse, and to those
interesting issues like:
def x; 1; end
x # => 1
x = 2 if false
x # => nil
2b. And other confusion as `*’, ‘&’ and ‘/’ being mistaken at times,
with certain whitespace dependencies:
def foo1; end
foo2 = ‘’
foo1 / 1 # this / is division
foo1 /1 # this / starts an (as-yet unterminated) regexp.
foo2 / 1 # this / is division also
foo2 /1 # this / is also division! yet actually IRB trips up, looks
# for the rest of /, then gives a SyntaxError on
a = [1, 2]
foo1 * a # * means splat
foo2 * b # * means multiply
I don’t understand why they both just can’t get along?
(ie at least in the same namespace, optionally with parsing not
dependent on the guessed type).