Unicorn 1.1.4 - small bug fix and doc updates

Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve
fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take
advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should
only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering
both the the request and response in between Unicorn and slow clients.


We no longer unlinking actively listening sockets upon startup
(but continue to unlink dead ones). This bug could trigger
downtime and nginx failures if a user makes an error and
attempts to start Unicorn while it is already running.

Thanks to Jordan Ritter for the detailed bug report leading to
this fix.

http://mid.gmane.org/[email protected]

There are also minor documentation and test updates pulled in
from master. This is hopefully the last bugfix release of the
1.1.x series.