Unicorn 0.91.0 - finally supports HTTP/0.9!

Unicorn is a Rack HTTP server for Unix, fast clients and nothing else.

18 years too late, Unicorn finally gets HTTP/0.9 support as HTTP
was implemented in 1991.

Shortlog as follows:

Eric W. (16):
Documentation updates
examples/echo: “Expect:” value is case-insensitive
http: make strings independent before modification
http: support for multi-line HTTP headers
tee_input: fix rdoc
unicorn_http: “fix” const warning
http: extension-methods allow any tokens
http: support for simple HTTP/0.9 GET requests
test_http_parser_ng: fix failing HTTP/0.9 test case
launcher: defer daemonized redirects until config is read
test to ensure stderr goes somewhere when daemonized
http: add HttpParser#headers? method
Support HTTP/0.9 entity-body-only responses
Redirect files in binary mode
unicorn 0.91.0

Eric W. wrote:

Unicorn is a Rack HTTP server for Unix, fast clients and nothing else.

18 years too late, Unicorn finally gets HTTP/0.9 support as HTTP
was implemented in 1991.

Well said! I appreciate the humility and brutal honesty in this
message. It reminds me that our programming endeavors, however
insignificant, ought to be pursued with an open mind and joyful spirit,
leaving no regrets behind.

Good luck on your project and, most importantly, have fun! :slight_smile: