I have an address model with country_id and province_id fields
There is also a full_address method that returns an address that is in a
format that the google maps api will be able to return a long-lat
Within the full_address method there is a call to obtain the
province/state and country name.
def full_address
full_address = [city, self.province.name,
When I run this in the console it works fine
a = Address.new
=> #<Address:0x24c6420 @new_record=true, @attributes={“city”=>nil,
“latitude”=>nil, “region_code”=>nil, “province_id”=>nil,
“country_id”=>nil, “location_type”=>nil, “location_id”=>nil,
“address_1”=>nil, “address_2”=>nil, “longitude”=>nil, “address_3”=>nil,
“address_4”=>nil}>a.country_id = 1
=> 1a.country.name
=> “Canada”a.province_id = 1
=> 1a.full_address
=> “,Alberta,Canada”
but when the specs are run I get errors saying that the country and
province object properties are null
NoMethodError in ‘Address additional properties should ensure spacing
between the st/ave on the address’
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.name
Here is one of the tests that fail:
describe Address, “additional properties” do
before(:each) do
@address = Address.new(valid_params)
def valid_params
:country_id => 1,
:province_id => 1,
:region_code => “T5Z3J4”,
:address_1 => “13245-56 st”,
:address_2 => “NW”,
:city => “Edmonton”
it “should return the full address format” do
@address.country_id.should == 1 #this passes
@address.province_id.should == 1 #this passes
@address.province.name.should == “Alberta” #this fails
@address.country.name.should == “Canada” #this fails
@address.full_address.should == “13245-56 st
NW,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada” #and this fails if you remove the ones
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :province
belongs_to :country
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address
If I wasn’t able to make it happen in the console, it would make more
sense, but seeing as I can I am totally lost.
Thanks for the help