Understand submit_tag

Hi everyone,
I was following the book Agile Web D. with Rails 2Ed. by Dave

So, at some part of my studies, I decided to try to create my own
application based on what I’ve learned…
Now I’m in trouble in a simple form.

I tried to create a form to register new users.

I’m sending attached the files that I created for this.

but my view don’t call the action add_user when the user click on submit
<%= submit_tag “Novo Usuário”, :class => “submit” %>

Translation from portuguese: “Novo Usuário” = “New User”

I searched a lot in foruns and google and didn’t solve my problem. I
believe it’s something easy That I couldn’t solve because my lack of
knowledge in Ruby.

The code you have written down here is okay, there is no problem with
submit tag. Check your error log. Or you can check and also download a
helpful book for the RoR beginners.Here is the link

here you will find a book and some RoR related notes.

Thanks & Regards

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Daniel Franca <

On Jan 1, 12:00 pm, “shahroon ali” [email protected] wrote:

The code you have written down here is okay, there is no problem with the
submit tag. Check your error log. Or you can check and also download a very
helpful book for the RoR beginners.Here is the linkhttp://my.opera.com/learnror

here you will find a book and some RoR related notes.

This isn’t the place for pimping links for downloads of content you
are not permitted to redistribute.


shahroon ali wrote:

The code you have written down here is okay, there is no problem with
submit tag. Check your error log. Or you can check and also download a
helpful book for the RoR beginners.Here is the link
The Opera Blog - News | Opera

here you will find a book and some RoR related notes.

Thanks & Regards

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Daniel Franca <

That’s the problem =/ nothing happen at the log file when click the
button, neither debugging the server stops at the add_user method when
click the button, only stops there at the first time I go to the site.

On 2 Jan 2009, at 06:39, shahroon ali wrote:

Frederick you are right that I am not permitted to redistribute this
sort of content, but in my point of you the learning material should
be free for every one, and If I have this book and is helped me a
lot then why I shouldn’t help others.

There are free resources. Link to those. Link to the amazon page of
the book. Don’t disrespect the work of others (have you considered for
example that the author of that book is a member of this group?)


Please don’t make this group a debate group on useless things. If you
me to not to refer that book okay I will not. And I think Amazon is not
free resource.
Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Frederick C.
<[email protected]

(private aside to Frederick C.):

I’ve been reading through forums all day trying to fine tune a rails
app I am building and you just keep popping up in “answer” to politely
posted questions. You never have anything useful to add, but you are
quick to criticize. You never seem to help anyone, but you seem ready
to complain. Why don’t you get a different hobby, or find something
useful to add, or at least be quiet? Failing those, please consider
dropping dead.

And by the way, once someone pays for a book, they certainly do have
the rights to use the contents, especially when they credit it as the
source, very especially when they do so in the way Daniel did. “Agile
Web D. with Rails 2ed” by David Thomas. The author of the
book surely realizes that people who are online trying to use it are
helping promote it. I bought the thing specifically because it was
mentioned in here so often. It is a great book.

Everyone else ,
If someone can answer the simple question in Daniel Franca’s original
post (above), I and several others who are trying to learn Rails would
deeply appreciate it. The documentation for rails form helpers
stinks; forum help is the often only hope to try and make sense out of
this. The book helps, but forum support makes the book ten times as

Frederick you are right that I am not permitted to redistribute this
sort of
content, but in my point of you the learning material should be free for
every one, and If I have this book and is helped me a lot then why I
shouldn’t help others. And Daniel check the code I am sending you,
download the attached file.

Thanks & Regards,

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 8:20 PM, Daniel Franca <