Undefined method `tab' for radiant

Hi all…

I am new to radiant cms. I have tried to install blog and liveblog
extensions. But in both cases I got the following error.

rake aborted!
undefined method `tab’ for #BlogExtension:0xb6dc23e4


rake aborted!
undefined method `tab’ for #LiveblogExtension:0xb6dc23e4

Any idea? I am using radiant 0.8.1


Hey Smit,

Seem to be having the same issue myself whilst trying to install the
settings extension, can’t quite figure out why it’s not working as I’m
not doing anything different that usual when setting up a radiant app.
If anyone else could help shed some light on the situation it would be
greatly appreciated.


Smit S. wrote:

Hi all…

I am new to radiant cms. I have tried to install blog and liveblog
extensions. But in both cases I got the following error.

rake aborted!
undefined method `tab’ for #BlogExtension:0xb6dc23e4


rake aborted!
undefined method `tab’ for #LiveblogExtension:0xb6dc23e4

Any idea? I am using radiant 0.8.1

This is a Radiant issue, not a general Rails issue. You’ll get better
help in the Radiant support forums.



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Hi Marnen,

Apologies for posting here, I realised just after hitting send that
this wasn’t the specific radiant group to be posting to, oops!

Kind Regards