Undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'

When I use plugin ‘railstree’ (http://www.hashcode.eti.br/?p=91) as
following code:
node = Node.new :label => menu_item.name,
:link_to_remote => {
:base => self,
:update =>
:url => {
=> menu_item.controller,
=> menu_item.action

there is a error as following:
undefined method `protect_against_forgery?’ for #Node:0xb66986b8

helpers/prototype_helper.rb:1059:in options_for_ajax' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.4/lib/action_view/ helpers/prototype_helper.rb:449:in remote_function’
internal_link_to_remote' /home/sdr/workspace/sp/vendor/plugins/tree/lib/node.rb:31:in initialize’
new' /home/sdr/workspace/sp/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:59:in add_children’
set_sidemenu' /home/sdr/workspace/sp/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:44:in each’

what should I do ??


On Sep 10, 8:56 am, sunnet [email protected] wrote:


helpers/prototype_helper.rb:449:in remote_function' /home/sdr/workspace/sp/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:44:in each’

what should I do ??


Hello Sunnet and All Who Post Messages Like This,

what should I do ??

Try Google?

Try reading the docs on protect_from_forgery to learn what it does and
why you might be getting this error?

Try reading the railstree source code to narrow down the error?

Tell us what you’ve tried so far?
