Undefined method `^' for "e":String


I’m getting the following error:

NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#index
undefined method `^’ for “e”:String

The stack trace indicates that it’s located in:

As for the environment. I’m running
Ruby : ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-darwin10.0.0]
Rails : rails 2.3.4
Gem : 1.3.5
Radiant: radiant 0.9.0

The issue appears to be in the authentication and session checking.
This was an issue with rails 2.3.4, s per other postings, due to a
security fix. I’ve patched my version of ruby, built from source on my
Mac OS X platform.

Does anyone have a fix or something that would workaround this issue ?


FYI - i’ve solved my own problem - that’s a relief !!

Basically on further investigation (I re-read the stack trace a few
times :-))I realised that the problem is not with the install of
Radiant, but with the existing problem with Ruby. I had previously
built the 1.9.1p243 version of Ruby and applied the patch described in :

This patch deals with the change in ruby 1.9 whereby a string[index]
returns the character, whilst in ruby 1.8.x it returned the character

When I installed Radiant it also used contained the Rails version under
the ./vendor/rails directory. My install was kindly using this version
and not my patched version. Thus the solution was to either patch the
‘message_verifier.rb’ file or remove the vendor/rails directory.


Grant Sayer wrote:


I’m getting the following error:

NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#index
undefined method `^’ for “e”:String

The stack trace indicates that it’s located in:

As for the environment. I’m running
Ruby : ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-darwin10.0.0]
Rails : rails 2.3.4
Gem : 1.3.5
Radiant: radiant 0.9.0

The issue appears to be in the authentication and session checking.
This was an issue with rails 2.3.4, s per other postings, due to a
security fix. I’ve patched my version of ruby, built from source on my
Mac OS X platform.

Does anyone have a fix or something that would workaround this issue ?
