"undefined method"-error


I’m new to rails and so far think it’s great, but I’m having some
major issues with a many-through relationship.

There are three tables:
articlestemplates_reporttemplates (additional attribute “optional”)

They are connected to each other via has_many and through + belongs_to
in articlestemplates_reporttemplates.

Now, I need to display all articletemplates and show, if there is a
connection (entry in articlestemplates_reporttemplates) to the current
reporttemplate. So in the controller I call
@articletemplates = Articletemplate.find(:all, :joins=>"LEFT JOIN
articletemplates_reporttemplates ON
articletemplates_reporttemplates.articletemplate_id =
articletemplates.id WHERE
articletemplates_reporttemplates.reporttemplate_id = "+params[:id])

So far, everything is working. When I call
<% puts YAML::dump(articletemplate.articletemplates_reporttemplates)
in the view, it gives me:

  • !ruby/object:ArticletemplatesReporttemplate
    created_at: 2008-12-16 17:24:19
    optional: “0”
    updated_at: 2008-12-16 17:24:19
    id: “1”
    reporttemplate_id: “1”
    articletemplate_id: “1”
    attributes_cache: {}

But when I try to access the attribute “optional”, I always get an
error message!
<% if articletemplate.articletemplates_reporttemplates.optional == 0
leads to
“undefined method `optional’ for #Class:0x7f83e7451880

Why does it tell me “undefined”, when one line above it tells me there
is an attribute “optional”?

Any help is appreciated!

Best Regards,

c’mon guys, don’t leave me hanging on my very first rails question
here ;).

It’s basically just: How can the debug output give tell me something
is an object with attributes and then it doesn’t let me access this
attributes? Maybe it’s a bug. Well, if no one has a clue I will try to
find a bug tracker and post it there, but it’s probably just my lack
of knowledge in ruby/rails.


On 18 Dec 2008, at 16:22, Daniel Süpke wrote:

But when I try to access the attribute “optional”, I always get an
error message!
<% if articletemplate.articletemplates_reporttemplates.optional == 0
leads to
“undefined method `optional’ for #Class:0x7f83e7451880

Why does it tell me “undefined”, when one line above it tells me there
is an attribute “optional”?

Assuming you’re using the normal conventions,
articletemplates_reporttemplates is an array. it doesn’t have an
optional attribute (but the elements inside it do)


Thanks a bunch, that helped. Didn’t know that “—” is meant to
represent an array, YAML::dump could be more intuitive there. It only
told me “object”, so I never even thought of an array. Well, now it
works, so thanks again!