Undefined method `conf' for IRB:Module

Hello, I’m trying to run dradis and I found a problem that might be on
my ruby installation. I posted in the Dradis forums but noone answered,
so I’ll try here. I’m running the latest SVN versions of ruby, wxruby
and wxwidgets, and I see:

#ruby dradis.rb event(s) registered: [:exception] D, [10:52:22#542] DEBUG -- : starting command line interface /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/irb/input-method.rb:109:in `initialize': undefined method `conf' for IRB:Module (NoMethodError) from /usr/share/dradis/client/ui/console.rb:25:in `new' from /usr/share/dradis/client/ui/console.rb:25:in `initialize' from dradis.rb:81:in `new' from dradis.rb:81:in `<main>'

Is this a sign of a broken ruby install or should I look into dradis



On 04.01.2010 07:54, Reimundo Heluani wrote:

from /usr/share/dradis/client/ui/console.rb:25:in initialize' from dradis.rb:81:innew’
from dradis.rb:81:in `’[/CODE]

Is this a sign of a broken ruby install or should I look into dradis

Not necessarily a broken Ruby install, but it could be that SVN HEAD is
Since it’s an IRB module causing the error, I think we can rule out
dradis is the culprit here.

Have you tried using dradis on a stable Ruby / wxRuby?

Phillip G. wrote:

Have you tried using dradis on a stable Ruby / wxRuby?

Thanks for your prompt answer, Actually I had the same problem with
dradis on 1.9.1-p376 and 1.9.1-p243. But without knowing much of the
code, just browsing through it, I’d have to agree with you it doesn’t
seem like an issue on Dradis.


On 04.01.2010 08:42, Reimundo Heluani wrote:

Phillip G. wrote:

Have you tried using dradis on a stable Ruby / wxRuby?

Thanks for your prompt answer,

A happy accident. :slight_smile:

Actually I had the same problem with
dradis on 1.9.1-p376 and 1.9.1-p243. But without knowing much of the
code, just browsing through it, I’d have to agree with you it doesn’t
seem like an issue on Dradis.

It could be a compatibility issue: If Dradis is not Ruby 1.9.x aware (so
to speak), it could fail in strange ways.

Unfortunately, I do not know where to look (I’m still looking for a
reasonably recent comparison of what’s changed from 1.8.6 to 1.9.x
myself), to determine what the issue is, exactly, and if you could work
around it, somehow.

You could try using Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7. That is, if that doesn’t break
something else for you.

Alternatively, you could file a bug with dradis, that it doesn’t work on
Ruby 1.9.x.

Phillip G. wrote:

You could try using Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7. That is, if that doesn’t break
something else for you.

Alternatively, you could file a bug with dradis, that it doesn’t work on
Ruby 1.9.x.

It’ll take me some time to move things to 1.8.6, but I’ll try that in a
few days. In the meantime, just to add a little info I’ve no clue if
it’s relevant. The offending line in input-method.rb is

@stdin = IO.open(STDIN.to_i, :external_encoding =>
IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding, :internal_encoding => “-”)

but If I run on console:

irb(main):001:0> IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES]
=> #<IRB::Locale:0x00000000ae7cf8 @modifier=nil,
@encoding_name=“ISO-8859-1”, @territory=“US”, @lang=“en”,
@locale=“en_US.ISO-8859-1”, @encoding=#Encoding:ISO-8859-1>
irb(main):002:0> IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding
=> #Encoding:ISO-8859-1

Does dradis have to set these before calling
IRB::ReadlineInputMethod.new ?

Thanks R.

On 04.01.2010 19:25, Reimundo Heluani wrote:

Does dradis have to set these before calling
IRB::ReadlineInputMethod.new ?

Apparently. But the Dradis developers are probably more knowledgeable
than me. :slight_smile: