There is an empty file called include_test.rb and a file test.rb which
includes include_test.rb
i.e. the content of test.rb:
require ‘include_test.rb’
if I run:
ruby test.rb it gives following error:
Uncaught exception: cannot load such file – include_test
Subject: Uncaught exception: cannot load such file –
Date: Mon 17 Dec 12 08:10:01PM +0900
Quoting Prog R. ([email protected]):
if I run:
ruby test.rb it gives following error:
Uncaught exception: cannot load such file – include_test
require ‘./include_test.rb’
require_relative ‘include_test.rb’
Carlo E. Prelz wrote in post #1089363:
Subject: Uncaught exception: cannot load such file –
Date: Mon 17 Dec 12 08:10:01PM +0900
Quoting Prog R. ([email protected]):
if I run:
ruby test.rb it gives following error:
Uncaught exception: cannot load such file – include_test
require ‘./include_test.rb’
is working.
require_relative ‘include_test.rb’
gives error: LoadError: cannot infer basepath
Is it so that require ‘file_name’ doesnt work with ruby 1.9.3 but works
for 1.8.7?
Subject: Re: Uncaught exception: cannot load such file –
Date: Mon 17 Dec 12 09:07:26PM +0900
Quoting Prog R. ([email protected]):
Is it so that require ‘file_name’ doesnt work with ruby 1.9.3 but works
for 1.8.7?
Ruby looks for include files that do not explicitly specify a path in
a series of paths. Some are hardcoded. To them you can add other paths
by including them in global variable “RUBYLIB”.
From what I remember, ruby 1.8 included the current directory in the
hardcoded paths. This is not true anymore with 1.9. But if you specify
(in Linux)
export RUBYLIB=’.’
then you will not need to specify the ‘./’ before your include file.
Prog R. wrote in post #1089367:
Carlo E. Prelz wrote in post #1089363:
Subject: Uncaught exception: cannot load such file –
Date: Mon 17 Dec 12 08:10:01PM +0900
Quoting Prog R. ([email protected]):
Uncaught exception: cannot load such file – include_test
require ‘./include_test.rb’
is working.
require_relative ‘include_test.rb’
gives error: LoadError: cannot infer basepath
Is it so that require ‘file_name’ doesnt work with ruby 1.9.3 but works
for 1.8.7?
I dont think that is the case as it is working fine on ubuntu, but not
on windows.