This is really strange - hopefully someone out there may have seen
behavior like this before. I have a user successfully created in the
Users table of my application. When I try to update a single column
@user = User.find(:first,
:conditions => [“login_name = ?”,
I get the error: “NoMethodError in Users#login. You have a nil object
when you didn’t expect it!”
The user is found OK, the new_cookie_key method works as expected, but I
can’t save the object! I’ve removed all validation from the User model
but that makes no difference. If I comment out the save method and debug
the object using <%= debug(@user) %> in a View, the object and its
contents are shown as expected, so it certainly isn’t a nil object!
I’ve dug a little deeper, and found this in the server log:
User Load (0.001551) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (login_name = ‘adam’
SQL (0.000273) BEGIN
User Load (0.001240) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (login_name = ‘adam’
AND id <> 16) LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000279) COMMIT
Weird thing is, “adam” row in the database has the id of 16! Why is
rails selecting the users table with id != 16? Why is there no update
before the commit?
At 2/23/2006 03:13 PM, you wrote:
rails selecting the users table with id != 16? Why is there no update
before the commit?
Is there a validate_uniqueness_of on the login_name? I’d suspect
that the second SQL would be to confirm that.
Is there a validate_uniqueness_of on the login_name?
Oh, I see now… I’ve added an ‘:on => :create’ condition and this
appears to have fixed that particular problem. Thanks!
Ok, my server log is now showing:
User Load (0.000913) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (login_name = ‘adam’
SQL (0.000310) BEGIN
SQL (0.000242) ROLLBACK
So somehow my method is still causing me grief!