I am able to create databases (development, test, and production
databases) as follows
ajit@ajit:~$ su - postgres
postgres@ajit:~$ psql
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_development;
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_test;
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production;
But when I try to create same databases using the command
‘rake db:create:all’, I am getting an error massage saying ‘FATAL:
Ident authentication failed for user “postgres”’. And none of the
databases are created.
And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration
files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml
Can you please help me why ‘rake db:create:all’ is not working?
Thank you
On 1 February 2012 06:59, Ajit T. [email protected] wrote:
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production;
And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration
files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml
Possibly you have the correct user/password for the development db but
not for one of the others. Try using create to create them one at a
time and see if one fails. Also check the yml file very carefully for
small errors. Possibly copy/paste the user/password lines from the
development section to the others.
On Jan 31, 2012, at 11:59 PM, Ajit T. wrote:
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production;
And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration
files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml
Can you please help me why ‘rake db:create:all’ is not working?
not a rails issue but an issue from not understanding postgresql.
probably a bad idea to use ‘postgres’ as the user/owner of a database
and postgres has users/roles/grants functionality for the purpose of
program interface with the postgres server.
if you are intent on using postgres without gaining any knowledge about
it’s authentication mechanisms, then you should understand that user
postgres doesn’t have a password and out of the box, can only use the
localhost postgresql server via a local socket (not TCP/IP) - thus
database.yml shouldn’t have a password, a port # or anything but the
actual local socket (/var/run/postgresql/$SOME_PID_FILE ?)
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Craig W. [email protected]
Ident authentication failed for user “postgres”'. And none of the
Maybe the practical solution for the OP then is to do
$ createuser ajit
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
and that will at least reduce the need to use the ‘postgres’ user.
In that case the database.yml could look like
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
pool: 5
min_messages: log
As described by Craig.
Do NOT mention localhost (then you will go over local socket, using the
user authentication of user ‘ajit’ to get in locally).