Unable to install plugins from github

Hi All,
My operating system is FC11…I tried to install will_paginate from
github directly like this -

script/plugin install git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git

But I get an error saying

[ckkashyap@KingCobra test_plugin]$ script/plugin install
Plugin not found: [“git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git”]

I have git on my machine - I even ran “gem install git” which
installed something but I continue to get this error.

I managed to install will_paginate by downloading the plugin and
creating a gem and using gem install…However, I am stuck with
wice_grid and some other plugins!

I tried downloading wice_grid and copying it to the vendors/plugins
dir … but that does not seem to work ( require ‘wice_plugin’ in
environment.rb bombs)

I’d appreciate any help with this.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:05 AM, C K Kashyap [email protected] wrote:

dir … but that does not seem to work ( require ‘wice_plugin’ in
environment.rb bombs)

Did you read the install documentation on github? It gives complete
different install instructions than the one you’re using.

Leonardo M…
There’s no place like ~

Did you read the install documentation on github? It gives complete
different install instructions than the one you’re using.

Yes I did, and that’s how I managed to install will_paginate -
however, I am stuck when it comes to other plugins on github -
wice_grid for example …
I’ve added gems.github.com in the sources -

[ckkashyap@KingCobra test_plugin]$ gem sources


But when I do -
[ckkashyap@KingCobra lab]$ gem install leikind-wice_grid
ERROR: could not find gem leikind-wice_grid locally or in a repository

Is there something I am missing?


Yes, The docs for that gem.

Either you mispelled the name or that gem doesn’t exist.
Check the docs, if the docs doesn’t work or doesn’t exists, then
provide more information about the gem here and maybe somebody can
help you.

This is the git repository that I am trying to install -

First problem is that I am not able to install using script/plugin -
./script/plugin install git://github.com/leikind/wice_grid.git does
not work for me

I am thinking of the alternative of downloading the tgz and unzipping
it under vendors/plugins …
What steps do I need to take for that?


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:25 AM, C K Kashyap [email protected]

Is there something I am missing?
Yes, The docs for that gem.

Either you mispelled the name or that gem doesn’t exist.
Check the docs, if the docs doesn’t work or doesn’t exists, then
provide more information about the gem here and maybe somebody can
help you.

Leonardo M…
There’s no place like ~

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:05 AM, C K Kashyap [email protected]

This is the git repository that I am trying to install -

First problem is that I am not able to install using script/plugin -
./script/plugin install git://github.com/leikind/wice_grid.git does
not work for me

I am thinking of the alternative of downloading the tgz and unzipping
it under vendors/plugins …
What steps do I need to take for that?

Maybe there’s something wrong with your environment.
I could install it, really straightforward.

Here’s my screenshot

Leonardo M…
There’s no place like ~

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:45 AM, C K Kashyap [email protected]

./script/plugin install git…

just does not work for me … I am going to do strace to see what’s happening…
What is your environment?
Are you able to just clone the repository (without installing the

Leonardo M…
There’s no place like ~

Maybe there’s something wrong with your environment.
I could install it, really straightforward.

Here’s my screenshot

Thats the frustrating part :slight_smile: … everywhere I look, they say about
./script/plugin install git…

just does not work for me … I am going to do strace to see what’s

meanwhile, any tips on installing the tar gz would help.


just does not work for me … I am going to do strace to see what’s happening…
What is your environment?
Are you able to just clone the repository (without installing the plugin)?

I’m on FC11 with ruby 1.9 and rails 2.3.4

I am able to clone the git repository using git clone -works just fine.


There is a problem with script/plugin install git://… on Ruby 1.9.
You can see:
for details
on how to patch rails. Fix is due with 2.3.5

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Rick [email protected] wrote:

There is a problem with script/plugin install git://… on Ruby 1.9.
You can see:
#2018 Ruby 1.9 compat: plugin/install git://... always fails in Ruby 1.9 - Ruby on Rails - rails
for details
on how to patch rails. Fix is due with 2.3.5

Thank you very very much!!!


you’re welcome