I am trying to do barcode scanning from the sample api given in
MotorolaRhoMobileSuite2.0.5. I need to do this for Windows Mobile
platfrom and Motorola SSB-MC9190G-30 device. Here is my build.yml file:
app_type: “rhoelements”
name: “SampleApi”
applog: “rholog.txt”
version: “1.0.7”
vendor: “rhomobile”
- barcode
- camera
- non_motorola_device
While running the application, I am able to see the images. But, when I
click on scan link for the image, it shows the below error in the
“E500 error page. Happen when non ::Rhom::RecordNotFound exception
uninitialized constant BarcodeRecognizerController::Barcode”
As per logs, it’s causing error due to the BarcodeRecognizer.find(:all)
statement mentioned below.
def index
puts “Barcode index controller” @barcodes = BarcodeRecognizer.find(:all)
render :back => ‘/app’
I didn’t find the BarcodeRecognizer class anywhere in the api.
This isn’t a ruby language issue: you should be looking to contact
Motorola’s support. Sounds like you might be missing a Motorola library
or something.
Thanx for the response Jams. Could you please provide me any link or any
source, so that I can get help on the issue, as I am totally new to
mobile app. I opened HOME - English Motorola - MOTO COMMUNITY link. But,
couldn’t find any Motorola SSB-MC9190G-30 device or any related. And
where will I get the related library or API where I can find the missing
things mentioned above.
Please suggest.
On Jul 6, 2012, at 3:02 AM, santosh panigrahy [email protected]
Thanx for the response Jams. Could you please provide me any link or any
source, so that I can get help on the issue, as I am totally new to
mobile app. I opened HOME - English Motorola - MOTO COMMUNITY link. But,
couldn’t find any Motorola SSB-MC9190G-30 device or any related. And
where will I get the related library or API where I can find the missing
things mentioned above.
Please suggest.
A quick search on google showed there’s a google groups posting that
deals with your error. The group is here: