Unable to build

Anybody run into something like this before?

[apt] Since compiler setting isn’t classic or modern,ignoring fork
[apt] Compiling 1012 source files to
[apt] Since compiler setting isn’t classic or modern,ignoring fork
[apt] warning: Annotation types without processors:
[java.lang.Override, java.lang.Deprecated, org.jruby.anno.JRubyConstant,
java.lang.SuppressWarnings, org.jruby.anno.JRubyModule,
java.lang.annotation.Retention, java.lang.annotation.Target,
com.kenai.jaffl.annotations.Out, com.kenai.jaffl.annotations.In,
[apt] 1 warning
C:\dev\ruby\downloads\jruby\src\org\jruby\RubyModule.java:77: cannot
find symbol
[apt] symbol : class ProfilingDynamicMethod
[apt] location: package org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods
[apt] import
[apt] ^
C:\dev\ruby\downloads\jruby\src\org\jruby\RubyModule.java:926: cannot
find symbol
[apt] symbol: class ProfilingDynamicMethod
[apt] return new CacheEntry(new
ProfilingDynamicMethod(method), token);
[apt] ^
C:\dev\ruby\downloads\jruby\src\org\jruby\RubyString.java:800: warning:
[deprecation] replace(byte[]) in org.jruby.util.ByteList has been
[apt] value.replace(bytes);
[apt] ^
warning: [deprecation] type() in java.dyn.CallSite has been deprecated
[apt] public MethodType type() {
[apt] ^
[apt] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[apt] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[apt] 2 errors
[apt] 2 warnings

C:\dev\ruby\downloads\jruby\build.xml:634: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\dev\ruby\downloads\jruby\build.xml:226: Compile failed; see the
compiler error output for details.

Just ran into this too. Looks like bad timing…

This commit:

added an import for:

but the class appears to be missing from the commit. Stepping back to
commit e0859d92246bab will let you compile, but master probably won’t
build until the class is checked in.


Charlie just added the code for profiling and he must have missed to
add that file. I am sure he will the next time he get wifi again (he
is at a conference – nuff said :slight_smile: ).


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Ryan H. [email protected] wrote:

build until the class is checked in.

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