Unable log out of some applications

We have a at least a two web applications (Zenoss & Sharepoint) behind
nginx that we are unable to log out off!

We have many other websites (>200) also behind nginx that don’t have
this issue. Before posting the configuration I was wondering if anyone
could take a guess at what the problem might be ?


Posted at Nginx Forum:

09 февраля 2012, 15:56 от “keef” [email protected]:

We have a at least a two web applications (Zenoss & Sharepoint) behind
nginx that we are unable to log out off!

We have many other websites (>200) also behind nginx that don’t have
this issue. Before posting the configuration I was wondering if anyone
could take a guess at what the problem might be ?

Your nginx configuration is probably missing the following directives:

proxy_cache_bypass $http_authorization;
proxy_no_cache $http_authorization;

If you have those set, clear your browser’s cache and try using
browsers. If that doesn’t help, post your complete nginx.conf.


Thanks for the Info Max. We’re stuck with a nginx v0.8…x.x that doesn’t
includes the"proxy_cache_bypass" directive so are not able to test your
solution justnow. I have a workaround just now and will try the
directive again once we upgrade nginx.


Posted at Nginx Forum:

09 февраля 2012, 20:29 от “keef” [email protected]:

Thanks for the Info Max. We’re stuck with a nginx v0.8…x.x that doesn’t
includes the"proxy_cache_bypass" directive so are not able to test your
solution justnow. I have a workaround just now and will try the
directive again once we upgrade nginx.

You’re welcome. You can try the following workaround in the meantime:

location / {
recursive_error_pages on;
error_page 409 = @no_cache;

if ($http_authorization) { return 409; }

proxy_cache zone;
proxy_pass $scheme://backend;


location @no_cache {
proxy_pass $scheme://backend;
