Dear All, I have downloaded the latest 3.3 version source and have
built/check/installed and it appears fine (yeah!) in that I created
gr-uhd and libuhd is created and I can run gnuradio-companion on my
USRP(1) and LFRX daughterboard.
A while ago I purchased a DBSRX2 so I am trying to shift my system to
UHD. I don’t mind having the default UHD behaviour of 2 up/ 2 down which
I believe is the default FPGA etc.
I have gone into Gnuradio-comp and converted the USRP source to a UHD
one but it needs an IP address so I don’t think that is how I convert
the USRP from being GNU to UHD.
I am positing to this hybrid board in the hope that someone can help me
navigate this change.
Kind Regards,
On 12/25/2010 05:01 PM, john wrote:
one but it needs an IP address so I don’t think that is how I convert
the USRP from being GNU to UHD.
USB based devices do not have IP addresses. See the docs in the block
properties. Also see
Also make sure that uhd_find_devices can find your device.
Just to be crystal clear, A UHD implementation of a GNURadio-Companion file is
the same as GNURadio i.e. source is USRP not UHD for USRP1?
Use the blocks in the UHD category (not USRP). Also, the floating point
samples are between -1.0 and 1.0 which is different than the old driver,
so that could change things depending upon your app. Its best to run it
and see what happens. 
Also, when I populate with the DBSRX2 in addition to LFRX, can I run both? I saw
a post from August saying something about only 1 i/o path at the moment.
Both channels should work. Configure the single usrp block for two
channels and setup the subdevice specification string (should be docs
for this in the block properties dialog box).
On 12/25/2010 05:01 PM, john wrote:
A while ago I purchased a DBSRX2 so I am trying to shift my system to
UHD. I don’t mind having the default UHD behaviour of 2 up/ 2 down which
I believe is the default FPGA etc.
I have gone into Gnuradio-comp and converted the USRP source to a UHD
one but it needs an IP address so I don’t think that is how I convert
the USRP from being GNU to UHD.
USB based devices do not have IP addresses. See the docs in the block
properties. Also see
Also make sure that uhd_find_devices can find your device.
Thanks very much Josh. Yes the device is found :
Loading firmware image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp1_fw.ihx… done
– UHD Device 0
Device Address:
type: usrp1
serial: 4c745353
Just to be crystal clear, A UHD implementation of a GNURadio-Companion
file is the same as GNURadio i.e. source is USRP not UHD for USRP1?
Also, when I populate with the DBSRX2 in addition to LFRX, can I run
both? I saw a post from August saying something about only 1 i/o path at
the moment.
Hopefully, I will be smarter in 2011.
Kind Regards,
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 01:02 -0800, Josh B. wrote:
Both channels should work. Configure the single usrp block for two
channels and setup the subdevice specification string (should be docs
for this in the block properties dialog box).
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Thanks very much Josh - now I understand,
Kind Regards,