Uhd_find_devices issue

I installed and was working with gnuradio for some time now.
from two days i find that my device is not being detected. I run
uhd_find_devices or uhd_fft , I get uhd device not found. I checked my
network connections and set sudo ifconfig eth0 and also
checked that it’s subnet mask is set to But my eth 0
no received packets. I have attached the screenshot of it. when i try to
run uhd_fft and uhd_find_devices it says no uhd device found.I have
attached the screenshot of the same too. what could be the problem. I am
sure the installation is right because my grc is opening and i worked on
a few days back.

In your screenshot, it looks like your eth0 ip address was lost.

Sent on the Sprint Now Network from my BlackBerry

sorry, i uploaded the wrong screenshot. I have uploaded the right one

I am getting the following output…

karan@karan-laptop:/usr/local/bin$ uhd_usrp_probe --args
linux; GNU C++ version 4.4.3; Boost_104000; UHD_003.005.000-8-g49193c85

Error: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ----->
Device Address:

how i connected the setup is I powered my usrp n200 with the power cord.
connected an ethernet cable from usrp ethernet port to a gigabit
switch and from the switch i am connecting an ethernet cable to my
ethernet port.I also tried to connect the ethernet cable directly from
to my laptop. .It didn’t change. Is it ok if ifconfig eth0 says Rx
as 0?


how i connected the setup is I powered my usrp n200 with the power
cord. I connected an ethernet cable from usrp ethernet port to a
gigabit ethernet switch and from the switch i am connecting an
ethernet cable to my laptop’s ethernet port.I also tried to connect
the ethernet cable directly from usrp to my laptop. .It didn’t change.
Is it ok if ifconfig eth0 says Rx packets as 0?

Have you changed the FPGA/Firmware on the device? Are you sure that
your host ethernet port isn’t being managed by Netmanager with DHCP
That will screw up up.

Have you tried a different Ethernet cable?

Is your laptop ethernet port 1GiGe capable?

Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

oh suddenly it is working. i am able to run uhd_find_devices and
uhd_fft also. That’s great. Thanks a lot Marcus. why did it suddenly
work? was it pinging it which helped?
I’m suspecting that your gigabit switch has “funny” behaviour.

secondly when i am running uhd_fft i get this exception

Using Volk machine: sse4_2_32
thread[thread-per-block[0]: <gr_block gr uhd usrp source (1)>]: caught
unrecognized exception

Is it something i need to act on or is it just a warning…

Thanks again. It was very helpful.

What version of Gnu Radio are you running?

Also, see the Gnu Radio pages about troubleshooting.

Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Hi Marcus,

             I have not changed the fpga firmware. I used the

build-gnuradio script to install gnuradio. I am not finding another
ethernet cable in the lab. I will check that and let you know in some

My ethernet card in laptop is rtl 8101e. I checked that it is capable of
only 100 Mbps. But here i am using a gigabit switch, so it shouldn’t be
problem right. How should i check if my ethernet port is managed by
netmanager with dhcp support? In my network connections it says auto
for ethernet

I am using gnuradio 3.6.2. I will check the gnuradio pages and see.