Sometimes I run my python program I continuously get this error:
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x3fff9
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x4fff9
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0xfffe0003
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0xfffb0000
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x3
UHD Error:
recv packet demuxer unexpected sid 0x3fffc
Does anybody know where this error could come from?
My python program just writes some samples in a file, reconfigure the
central frequency and write again in a file with different name. Here is
the related code:
for num in range(1,24): #to iterate between 1 to 24
tb.samp_rate = samp_rate = 2000000
tb.fft_points = fft_points = 1024
tb.frame_rate = frame_rate = int (samp_rate/fft_points/1000)
center_freq = 914e6 + (num*2000000) # Center freq
Hi Jorge,
if I’m not mistaken, this is still your B200, so this might be funky
stuff happening on USB3.
Important here is that you use the latest UHD; which version do you run
(first line of output of uhd_find_devices)?
Many thanks for your answer.
I got 3.8 version.
“linux; GNU C++ version 4.7.2; Boost_104900; UHD_003.008.001-42-g8c87a524”
3.8.1 is quite recent; there’s only the 3.8.2 Release Candidate that you
could update to, so this is good.
Then is it USB driver related?
Possibly, but it often is.
Is it right the way I reconfigure my flowgrahp in order to change my
center frequency ?
I don’t think that has anything to do with the problem at hand.
Still: which sampling rate are you using? Can you try with a lower one?
I am using 10MS/s. The use of 5MS/s or 2MS/s
does not make any difference though.
If I just make a FFT of 20MS/s everything goes smoothly. I get errors
when reconfiguring the center frequency back and forth so I am
that the sample rate is not the problem.
However I need those different center frequencies since I need to scan a
large BW. What is the best approach to do that?
Many thanks for you support.
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