UHD driver/firmware stability

Hi Josh,
Is the UHD driver/firmware stable? Or are the current
versions still under development?

Test case 01: Incorrect sample rate value (e.g. 100k) raises an
exception, subsequent attempts with correct values do not get a response
from the USRP2.

Regarding the previous crash when passing incorrect sample rate values,
I tried to replicate the crash again, with 100k sample rate setting, and
it terminates.

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): No devices found for ----->

However, after you set it back to a valid value of say 100M, it still
doesn’t work, requiring a full reboot of the USRP2.

Perhaps this was because of an unhandled exception?

Test case 02: Setting the correct sample rate (e.g. 25M) works once,
after that it doesn’t work.

Attempt #1 - 25M sample rate setting

Generating: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

Executing: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

Current recv sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Current send sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Using: WBX TX (0x0053)
Using: WBX RX (0x0052)
RX samples per packet: 362
TX samples per packet: 363
Recv pirate num frames: 33967
gr_block_executor: source <gr_block uhd simple source (1)> produced no
output. We’re marking it DONE.


Attempt # 2 - 25M sample rate setting

Generating: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

Executing: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): No devices found for ----->

Test case 03: Setting the maximum USRP2 sample rate (100M) doesnt work,
it switches to 25Msps.

Generating: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

Executing: “/home/elvis/Desktop/grc-examples/top_block.py”

Current recv sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Current send sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Using: WBX TX (0x0053)
Using: WBX RX (0x0052)
RX samples per packet: 362
TX samples per packet: 363
Recv pirate num frames: 33967
The hardware does not support the requested sample rate:
Target sample rate: 100.000000 MSps
Actual sample rate: 25.000000 MSps

gr_block_executor: source <gr_block uhd simple source (1)> produced no
output. We’re marking it DONE.

Best regards,

Elvis D.

Hi Manuel,

On Jul 22, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Manuel F. wrote:

Test case 03: Setting the maximum USRP2 sample rate (100M) doesnt work, it
switches to 25Msps.
That’s because it’s impossible to transfer 32-bit samples with 100Msps
over Gigabit (even without any overhead).

Why does the uhd benchmark_rx sample fail ? I haven’t seen the UHD
driver working till now, and documentation is very poor for a first time

I’ve spent USD$2000 (USRP2 + WBX) and still haven’t been able to figure
out how to get clear FM reception or the UHD driver up and running, and
its been over a week now. If someone else has this setup running, please
do let me know. At the very least, these units should have some working
samples, just to get the hw configuration/setup issues out of the way,
with a simple demo.

$ ./benchmark_rx_rate

Creating the usrp device with: …
Current recv sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Current send sock buff size: 50000000 bytes
Using: WBX TX (0x0053)
Using: WBX RX (0x0052)
RX samples per packet: 362
TX samples per packet: 363
Recv pirate num frames: 33967
Using Device: Simple USRP:
Device: usrp2 device
Mboard: usrp2 mboard0 - rev 4:0
RX DSP: usrp2 ddc0
RX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (rx unit)
RX Subdev: WBX TX (0x0053)
TX DSP: usrp2 duc0
TX Dboard: usrp2 dboard (tx unit)
TX Subdev: WBX RX (0x0052)

Testing receive rate 0.500000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 1.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 2.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 4.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 8.333333 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 16.666667 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 25.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
