i try to install gnuradio with script
(http://www.sbrac.org/files/build-gnuradio) on Debian 8.4 64bit.
I change in script version and he download pretty much of files, when he
come to UHD, he breaks:
Skipping git fetch, since ‘uhd’ and ‘gnuradio’ are new enough
Starting function uhd_build at: Wed Aug 5 17:38:44 CDT 2015
Building UHD…
=============> THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME <=============
UHD build apparently failed
Exiting UHD build
from files he get:
airspy build-gnuradio gr-iqbal hackrf touch19347
bladeRF gnuradio gr-osmosdr rtl-sdr uhd
i try with manual install UHD via apt-get, but seems that he don`t
recognize it…
Hello Marcus,
first sorry, i miss version, its 8.1, but i think that dont change
With verbose i catch where he failed, but stuck on this:
Done building/installing UHD
Done function uhd_build at: Fri Aug 7 10:12:54 CDT 2015
Starting function firmware at: Fri Aug 7 10:12:54 CDT 2015
Could not find images downloader: uhd_images_downloader.py in
any of /usr/local/share /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64
i have it:
$ locate uhd_images_downloader.py
but script don`t see it…
in script i see:
dirlist="/usr/local/share /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64"
Given that you have an instance in /usr/lib/uhd/utils, that means you
have an install from your distros package manager, and that needs to
be removed before you do a source-based installed.
Also, the usual location from a source install is:
It would be useful to see the log output from when the UHD build section
was doing a “make install”, to see where it put
uhd_images_downloader.py, because
/usr/local/share/uhd_images_downloader.py is not the usual location.
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