I just updated my Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) to Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails
2.3.2, and I’ve managed to get stuck with
ruby: no such file to load -- ubygems
Investigating further, it appears that this is a hack someone added
‘long time ago’ to allow
ruby -rubygems blah
to work. Before I did the upgrade, there was a file in there named
ubygems.rb which only had a “require ‘rubygems’” line in it.
Most of the commentary on this subject revolved around Doze or
Cygwin, and the recommendation was to unset $RUBYOPT
I did so, and now it says RubyGems is not installed. Setting it again
returns me to the ubygems error.
What’s the right way to fix this? I had already updated rubygems to
1.3.3, so
sudo gem update --system
does not fix it.
I could easily recreate the hack by installing a file ubygems.rb,
but… blyecch!
Thanks in advance!
– Don W.