Uber-rcov for both cucumber & rspec

I’ve had a quick look at the rake tasks for rspec and cucumber (and
rcov), but not having payed with rake very much I can’t at the moment
get my head around what I need to do so am hoping for some

What I want is an uber-rcov task which will run all my features and
all my specs using rcov so I can get a picture of overall coverage for
my cucumber stories and rspec specs after they all have run (rather
than separately).

Should such a thing be possible and does anyone have a rake ask that
does this - failing that any pointers muchly appreciated.



On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Rupert V. [email protected]

Should such a thing be possible and does anyone have a rake ask that
does this - failing that any pointers muchly appreciated.

I don’t have a rake task you could just drop in place, but rcov
provides the --aggregate option to facilitate merging the coverage
results of multiple test suites.
