I’ve found a weird problem with a sidebar I’ve been working on.
It doesn’t want to load any more.
I’ve installed and removed the sidebar a few times, and now when I try
install the sidebar, I get this error in the log.
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: duplicate key violates
unique constraint “sidebars_pkey”
: INSERT INTO sidebars (“config”, “staged_position”, “type”,
“active_position”, “blog_id”) VALUES('—
', NULL, ‘BloglinesSidebar’, NULL, 1)):
This error makes no sense, because I’m not actually specifying an id,
database should just pick the next one in sequence. I thought it might
have been a sequence problem, but that’s fine, and when I run the same
INSERT into the database, it works just fine.
typo=> begin; BEGIN
typo=> INSERT INTO sidebars (“config”, “staged_position”, “type”,
“active_position”, “blog_id”) VALUES(‘—
typo’> user:
typo’> title:
typo’> folder:
typo’> ', NULL, ‘BloglinesSidebar’, NULL, 1);
INSERT 117605 1
typo=> abort;
I’m kinda stumped.
Matt R. [email protected] Visit my blog!
He’s a time-tossed moralistic paranormal investigator who hides his
scarred face behind a mask. She’s a warm-hearted insomniac soap star
who inherited a spooky stately manor from her late maiden aunt. They
fight crime!