Tx and rx running simultanrously

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On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Yan N. [email protected] wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to design a transceiver which is running LFTX/LFRX on one USRP1
motherboardsimultaneously. Is that possible to enable the transmitter path
and receiver path simultaneously? Since the usrp_sink and usrp_source block
can only enable the transmitter path or receiver path, I couldn’t find a way
to enable tx and rx path simultaneously by loading the same .rbf FPGA
configuration bitstream.

Hi Yan,

It is definitely possible.
I haven’t tried this in python code but with gnuradio-companion I can
use both usrp source and sink in the same flowgraph using both side
A/A, B/B and A/B. You can look at the code generated by GRC to begin
