two rails project with one application server(only one mongrel) ,
is it possible ?
if yes , then how ?
Sniper A. wrote:
two rails project with one application server(only one mongrel) ,
Generally speaking, you can’t even do one Rails project with only one
Mongrel instance.
is it possible ?
if yes , then how ?
If you can say a bit more about what you’re trying to do, I’m sure
someone will be able to help further.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
I assume you are limited to one available port on a static address
that you want to use for multiple Rails applications.
You can accomplish this by configuring Apache so that it talks to the
correct mongrel instance based on the incoming request.
Example: .xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ would go to mongrel instance on port xxx
and .xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ would go to mongrel instance on port yyy.
A simpler way to do this is to use mod_rails. Configuring multiple
Rails app in subdomains is quite easy with mod_rails.
On May 28, 11:15 am, Sniper A. [email protected]