Dear all,
I am trying to use foxGUIb for some graphical application.
To do this, I first want to write the cm-to-inches conversion
program that is given in the user’s guide.
So I have installed Fox,FXRuby, libGUIb and foxGUIb, both under
Cygwin (last week’s version under Windows XP) and under Aurox
Linux 11.0 (essentially Redhat’s Linux version of half a year ago).
Now, I have two problems:
In Cygwin, I get a segmentation fault:
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libGUIb14.rb:1034 [BUG]
ruby 1-8-4 (2005-12-24) [i-386 cygwin]
when calling
ruby foxGUIb.rb .
In Linux, this command starts nicely, and I can proceed in the example
very nicely up to the point when I want to enter the
cmLabel.text=(inchesField.text.to_f *
into the SELcommand field.
There’s a cursor appearing, but I can’t enter any text.
What can be the reason for this ?
Best regards,
On 5/25/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
In Cygwin, I get a segmentation fault:
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libGUIb14.rb:1034 [BUG] segmentation
ruby 1-8-4 (2005-12-24) [i-386 cygwin]
when calling
ruby foxGUIb.rb .
i don’t know why there currently are segfaults with fxruby on cygwin.
What can be the reason for this ?
please download and install the latest version of libGUIb. the one you
have installed contains a bug in FX::RadioGroup that makes event
editor unsusable. sorry for the inconvenience.
– henon
unknown wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to use foxGUIb for some graphical application.
To do this, I first want to write the cm-to-inches conversion
program that is given in the user’s guide.
So I have installed Fox,FXRuby, libGUIb and foxGUIb, both under
Cygwin (last week’s version under Windows XP) and under Aurox
Linux 11.0 (essentially Redhat’s Linux version of half a year ago).
Now, I have two problems:
In Cygwin, I get a segmentation fault:
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libGUIb14.rb:1034 [BUG]
ruby 1-8-4 (2005-12-24) [i-386 cygwin]
I also tried foxGUIb, and got exactly the same segment fault as yours.
It isn’t caused by foxGUIb, but by FXRuby1.4.6 on cygwin. Please take a
look at my previous post:
Best regards,