Hi everybody,
I develop any small plugins for Redmine (www.redmine.org) and have a
questinon and became no anwer from the Redmine-Community…
How can I modify different small parts of one partial with two plugins
an in wich order work the plugins?
I give an example:
I have a Plugin A to modify the “assign to” part in
partial /app/views/issues/_form.rhtml. To modify the partial, I have
a new partial _form.rhtml at the Plugin A. O.k. that works!
If I have a second Plugin B to modify the part “due date” in the same
partial - If I load a new modifyed form, is the plugin-A-form
What can I do??
I hoped, it´s possible to “overriding” different parts of a
“forerunner” partial withe regex e.g. we have the default _form
partial and cutting any lines per regex and replace with lines from
pluginA and cutting other lines from the “new” _form partial and
replace with pluginB lines…
I think, the pure replacing per regex is not a problem.
so, thats my dream :-))
It´s possible to modify the partial renderer?
BTW: maybe it is a good idea to give the plugins a “ranking” - I see
that in a CMS (?? Silverstripe, Redaxo???). It was possible to set a
number e.g. Plugin A = 30, Plugin B = 40 to set the order of work.