How would you structure a two dimension form? I have projects along
the horizontal axis and users along the vertical axis and then check
boxes at the intersections. I have it structured in html, but I can’t
figure out how name the fields so that when I post it I will be able
to iterate through it in rails so that I’ll be able to make sense of
What does this form do?
On Jan 14, 2008 11:21 AM, [email protected] [email protected]
How would you structure a two dimension form? I have projects along
the horizontal axis and users along the vertical axis and then check
boxes at the intersections. I have it structured in html, but I can’t
figure out how name the fields so that when I post it I will be able
to iterate through it in rails so that I’ll be able to make sense of
Ryan B.
Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.
Basically There are users and projects. Each user can have access to
any number of projects. Then the final colomn is for a company admin.
The admin will have access to all projects. Here’s what I want the
hash to look like:
Ah, nevermind. You’re trying to edit all users at the same time. That’s
something more complicated, sorry. You may be able to iterate through
users and do users[<%= %>]
How about a select box with :multiple => true?
<%= select “users”, “projects[]”, { |p| [,] }, {
:multiple => true } %>
On Jan 14, 2008 12:01 PM, [email protected] [email protected]
What does this form do?
to iterate through it in rails so that I’ll be able to make sense of
Ryan B.
Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.
Ryan B.
Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.
I can get that, but when I try and do users[<%=>][project_ids]
[] I get an error when I submit the form. Saying:
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of
Hash but found an instance of String. This can be caused by colliding
Array and Hash parameters like qs[]=value&qs[key]=value.
[email protected] said the following on 13/01/08 08:59 PM:
something more complicated, sorry. You may be able to iterate through the
users and do users[<%= %>]
See my other post about “Rails Cookbook”
Code fragments at
O'Reilly Media - Technology and Business Training
Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous
–Peter F. Drucker
Thanks. Too bad the oreilly stuff is limited unless I pay. Could you
paste the view code?
[email protected] said the following on 13/01/08 07:51 PM:
How would you structure a two dimension form? I have projects along
the horizontal axis and users along the vertical axis and then check
boxes at the intersections. I have it structured in html, but I can’t
figure out how name the fields so that when I post it I will be able
to iterate through it in rails so that I’ll be able to make sense of
By a curious coincidence I was reading the O’Reilly “Rails Cookbook”
yesterday and they had an example of this. ISBN: 0-596-52731-4
“5.10 Processing Dynamically Created Input Fields.”
The example used Users and Roles and a matrix of dynamically generated
There is a nested loop to generate the check-boxes in the view and a
another nested loop in the controller to take apart the hash of the pairs that are handed back in the params[] entry.
What like about this, what I prefer over pull-down select lists, is that
it makes the ‘linkages’ very visible.
What bothers me about it though is that it only makes for a limited
number of columns. Too many and they don’t fit on the screen.
However for many applications I imagine that wouldn’t an issue.
An extension to this …
What I wonder about is how to do ‘tri-state’ check boxes.
As in something like Apache’s “Allow/Deny” hierarchy.
A user might have explicitly stated Allow/Deny permission at one level,
or not, in which the next level up, the owner, would apply.
For example, /etc/httpd/httpd.conf contains
<Directory “/var/www/html”>
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
but a .htaccess at /var/www/html/applications/blogerator/data
could contain and
Order deny,allow
Deny from spamlist
Allow from starbucks-wifi
I emphasise the “COULD”. If the local override isn’t there it defaults
to the higher level.
RTFM for more details
//end of example
So the tri-state wouldn’t be simple yes-no check-boxes, it would be
“explicit-yes” (tick mark), “explicit-no” (cross mark) and “unmarked”.
Any ideas?
I can think of nothing more boring for the American people than to have
to sit in their living rooms for a whole half hour looking at my face on
their television screens.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Sazima said the following on 14/01/08 08:18 AM:
Hey Anton,
I think that’s more a matter of the widget you’re using (checkbox)
than Rails. Checkboxes only have 2 states. If you used a select box
with 3 options (“explicit-yes”, “explicit-no” and “unmarked”) instead
of the checkbox, that would work. Sure, it wouldn’t look very good,
but still…
Yes, and the ‘it wouldn’t look good’ means it won’t be acceptable.
This is still ‘rows and columns’ application like the one mbsmth asked
about. It’s essentially a dashboard - it must be very clear at a glance
what state for each cross-point
The sketch I have looks something like this
(I’ve altered it to suit this thread)
Read “[-]” as ‘explicit-no’ and “[+]” as ‘explicit-yes’
The sketch is colour-enhanced, which I can’t show here.
canRead canWrite canExec canChmod
defaults [+] [-] [-] [-]
AntonA [ ] [+] [+] [+]
BillB [ ] [+] [+] [ ]
CathieC [ ] [+] [ ] [ ]
DannyD [-] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The point of the colour is to show the original settings.
So DannyD’s canRead would be outlined in red when the screen comes up
and even if the ‘-’ is changed to ‘[ ]’ or ‘[+]’ it would still be
outlined in red until it is submitted and the screen redrawn.
You’ve never been lost until you’ve been lost at Mach 3.
– Paul F Crickmore
On Monday 14 January 2008, Anton J Aylward wrote:
What I wonder about is how to do ‘tri-state’ check boxes.
By inserting select elements with three options and converting them to
tri-state checkboxes in an unobtrusive JavaScript script triggered by
dom:loaded (custom Prototype event).
I’m pretty sure that there are scripts for tri-state check boxes,
although I’ve never used one. When you’ve found such a script that
suits your needs it’s almost trivial to apply it.
Michael S.
mailto:[email protected]
Hey Anton,
I think that’s more a matter of the widget you’re using (checkbox)
than Rails. Checkboxes only have 2 states. If you used a select box
with 3 options (“explicit-yes”, “explicit-no” and “unmarked”) instead
of the checkbox, that would work. Sure, it wouldn’t look very good,
but still…
Cheers, Sazima
Michael S. said the following on 14/01/08 10:22 AM:
On Monday 14 January 2008, Anton J Aylward wrote:
What I wonder about is how to do ‘tri-state’ check boxes.
By inserting select elements with three options and converting them to
tri-state checkboxes in an unobtrusive JavaScript script triggered by
dom:loaded (custom Prototype event).I’m pretty sure that there are scripts for tri-state check boxes,
although I’ve never used one. When you’ve found such a script that
suits your needs it’s almost trivial to apply it.
“… which is left as an exercise for the reader…”
Are there some tutorials about handing back javascript values to Rails?
Well, googling I found this
which is almost the discussion we had with the end users!
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
–Edward Everett
On Monday 14 January 2008, Anton J Aylward wrote:
suits your needs it’s almost trivial to apply it.
“… which is left as an exercise for the reader…”
Are there some tutorials about handing back javascript values to
There is no problem. Store the values, yes/no/don’t know, in a hidden
field with the same name as the original select element and all is
fine. Assuming that you want the changes to take effect only when a
submit button is clicked. If you want them to be effective immediately,
you need ajax.
If you intend to have a go at this stuff yourself, I suggest you read a
good JavaScript book before starting. My suggestions (choose what suits
As a tutorial that touches on (almost) advanced stuff
John Resig
Pro JavaScript Techniques
Apress 2006
For reference
David Flanagan
JavaScript. The Definitive Guide. 5th Edition
O’Reilly 2006
For Prototype.js
Christophe Portneuve
Prototype and
Pragmatic Programmers 2007
Well, googling I found this
e-design-iterations-of-teamsnap which is almost the discussion we
had with the end users!
Looks like a good starting point for the visual aspect. For the
mechanism in the background there doesn’t appear to be a readymade
solution. With some JavaScript knowledge you will be able to do it
yourself, or you may want to find someone with the requisite skills.
Michael S.
mailto:[email protected]