Hi all,
I just installed the Twitter gem and created a partial where I can
publish my latest tweets. Because the output
is plain text I created an application helper which should replace the
hash tags into some links.
First of all is this a convenient way or is there even a better solution
like build in link to helper or something like that (couldn’t find
anything so far).
My second question is regards my helper function. I had a solution which
was working but the code sucked:
def change_hashes
hashes = text.scan(/#\d*\w*/)
hashes.each do |hash|
text = sanitize(text.gsub(hash, link_to(hash,
“https://twitter.com/#!/search/#{hash.sub(/#/, “%23”)}”)))
return text
So I refactored it into this:
def change_hashes(text)
text.gsub(/#\d*\w*/) { |s| text.sub(s, link_to(s,
“https://twitter.com/#!/search/#{s.sub(/#/, “%23”)}”)) }
The problem is that if I the tweet contains more than one hash the whole
tweet is being duplicated. Maybe someone can pinpoint me into the right