TVRX sensitivity

Dear all,

What is the TVRX front end sensitivity?

Thanks and best regards,

Pierre JALLON (PhD)


Laboratoire Communications Numériques et Algorithmes


17 rue des Martyrs

38054 Grenoble cedex 09

Tél : + 33 4 38 78 27 59

Fax : +33 4 38 78 65 86

JALLON Pierre 201932 wrote:

Dear all,

What is the TVRX front end sensitivity?

It has a noise figure of roughly 10 dB.



And what is the minimal level of signal that can be detected by the USRP
(with the TVRX) ?

Thanks for your answer

Pierre Jallon

-------- Message d’origine--------
De: Matt E. [mailto:[email protected]]
Date: sam. 01/03/2008 01:51
À: JALLON Pierre 201932
Cc: [email protected]
Objet : Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] TVRX sensitivity

JALLON Pierre 201932 wrote:

Dear all,

What is the TVRX front end sensitivity?

It has a noise figure of roughly 10 dB.


JALLON Pierre 201932 wrote:


And what is the minimal level of signal that can be detected by the USRP (with the TVRX) ?

Like for any other radio, it depends on the bandwidth of the signal.
That is why sensitivity is properly expressed as a noise figure – it is
the only universal measure of weak signal performance. The TVRX has a
noise figure of about 10 dB. The theoretical best noise figure possible
is 0 dB.
