For one of my objects it’s ‘id’ will be taken from another system so I
don’t want it auto_incrementing but I want to just assign a value
myself to it? How can I create an id field while turning off
auto_increment for it within a migration?
For one of my objects it’s ‘id’ will be taken from another system so I
don’t want it auto_incrementing but I want to just assign a value
myself to it? How can I create an id field while turning off
auto_increment for it within a migration?
create_table(:table_name) :id=>false do |t|
t.column :id, :int
The “:id=>false” is used all the time in associative(link) tables and
should probably work in your case.
You can also probably leverage before_create() to retrieve the id from
your other table and then do attributes[:id] =
You didn’t say what type of database you are using, but the place you
look is on ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter –
prefetch_primary_key?() and next_sequence_value(). You should probably
at subclassing this class, and returning false from
That will cause next_sequence_value to be called, and you can do what
need to there. The return from this function is assigned to the id of
ActiveRecord instance.
Take a look at the firebird or openbase adapters for examples.
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