Turning Dwemthy's Array into a mixin

As a beginner, I’m having trouble converting the metaprogramming in
Dwemthy’s Array (http://poignantguide.net/dwemthy/) into a convenient
mixin that I can use for many classes. The trouble seems to be the
“def self.” declarations, but I’m not too sure; in any
case, .metaclass and .traits don’t seem to be mixing in. What should I

Thanks in advance!

module Dwemthy

def self.metaclass
class << self; self; end

def self.traits(*given_traits)
return @traits if given_traits.empty?


given_traits.each do |trait|
  metaclass.instance_eval do
    define_method(trait) do |trait_value|
      @traits ||= {}
      @traits[trait] = trait_value

class_eval do
  define_method(:initialize) do
    self.class.traits.each do |k, v|
      instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)



You might take a look at the metaid gem

Gem install metaid

It contains some of those meta classes - I use it for creating
classes on the fly for data driven XML ingestion.


On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 11:35:00AM +0900, [email protected] wrote:

As a beginner, I’m having trouble converting the metaprogramming in
Dwemthy’s Array (http://poignantguide.net/dwemthy/) into a convenient
mixin that I can use for many classes. The trouble seems to be the
“def self.” declarations, but I’m not too sure; in any
case, .metaclass and .traits don’t seem to be mixing in. What should I

Hey, so, yes, this is what Dwemthy has been talking about all along,
this is exactly what caused him to start grinding his teeth and his
blood pressure went through the roof and he got a contagious clubbed
foot and so on, simply because he didn’t know or have the slightest
inkling concerning append_features.

Mixins only mix instance methods. However, our friend Nobu Nakada
has just the trick. →

Basically, put all the class methods in their own module. Then mix
the module into the Dwemthy module using extend. Then add an
append_features method to the Dwemthy module that mixes both into
future mixees. It’s a bit of a trip, but still only about five
extra lines of code.

Nobu lays low, but he’s filthy smart that one.
