Trying to write template in foreman with Ruby

I am getting syntax error can anyone assist me?

<% if <% input(‘domain’) %> == ‘yes’ %>
<%= render_template(“Ansible Join to domain - commands - SDL”, hostname: <%= input(‘hostnamea’) -%>) -%>
echo “done - join the domain”
<% else %>
echo “done - didnt join to the domain”
<% end %>


Hi Shay,

There’s a syntax error in your template. Try this fixed version:

<% if input('domain') == 'yes' %>
  <%= render_template("Ansible Join to domain - commands - SDL", hostname: input('hostnamea')) %>
  echo "done - join the domain"
<% else %>
  echo "done - didnt join to the domain"
<% end %>

Hope this helps!

Bobby the Bot