Trying to write a failing test-- but am failing!

I am new to BDD, so am not quite sure how I am supposed to write a
test like this… I get:
“ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ‘User should fail when passwords do
not match’
Validation failed: Password doesn’t match confirmation”

If anyone can guide me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it…


require ‘spec_helper’

describe User do

before(:each) do
@valid_attributes = {
:login => ‘test_name’,
:password => ‘password’,
:password_confirmation => ‘password’

  @invalid_attributes = @valid_attributes.merge(:password =>


it “should create a valid user” do
User.create!(@valid_attributes).should be_true

it “should fail when passwords do not match” do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes).should be_false


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 5:42 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]

require ‘spec_helper’
@invalid_attributes = @valid_attributes.merge(:password =>

it “should create a valid user” do
User.create!(@valid_attributes).should be_true

it “should fail when passwords do not match” do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes).should be_false

The create! method is designed to raise an error if validation fails.
You can get this to work in one of two ways:

User.create(@invalid_attributes).should be_false # using create
instead of create!


expect do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes) raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)



User.create(@invalid_attributes).should be_false # using create
instead of create!

Hmmm… when I tried this, I get:

‘User should fail when passwords do not match’ FAILED
expected #<User id: nil, login: “test_name”, crypted_password:
password_salt: “ivSY-ZjPwOiOoRfPfvAR”, persistence_token:
single_access_token: “dGscUBSr_qJ3TTcHXpT3”, perishable_token: nil,
login_count: 0, failed_login_count: 0, last_request_at: nil,
current_login_at: nil, last_login_at: nil, current_login_ip: nil,
last_login_ip: nil, contact_id: nil, access_level_id: nil, active:
false, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> to be false

expect do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes) raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

And when I tried it this way, I got the same error as before–

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ‘User should create a valid user’
Validation failed: Password doesn’t match confirmation



The create! method is designed to raise an error if validation fails.
You can get this to work in one of two ways:

User.create(@invalid_attributes).should be_false # using create
instead of create!

Hmm, when I try that-- It still doesn’t work…

it “should fail when passwords do not match” do
User.create(@invalid_attributes).should be_false

‘User should fail when passwords do not match’ FAILED
expected #<User id: nil, login: “test_name”, crypted_password:
password_salt: “UITwJqOSRNzvajFmKpxL”, persistence_token:
single_access_token: “ZISHX20gtD4gCowZ2NLo”, perishable_token: nil,
login_count: 0, failed_login_count: 0, last_request_at: nil,
current_login_at: nil, last_login_at: nil, current_login_ip: nil,
last_login_ip: nil, contact_id: nil, access_level_id: nil, active:
false, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> to be false

expect do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes) raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

And when I tried that way, I got the same error I was getting

it “should fail when passwords do not match” do
(@invalid_attributes) raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ‘User should create a valid user’
Validation failed: Password doesn’t match confirmation


Hi again,

user = User.create(@invalid_attributes)
user.should_not be_valid

This gives me:

NoMethodError in ‘User should fail when passwords do not match’
undefined method `handling_predicate!’ for #<Spec::Matchers::Be:
0x104d8a518 @args=[:be_valid]>

Try raise_error instead of raise_exception. If that works, you’re
using an older version of rspec. If not, I’m not sure what’s going on.

Yeah, I wasn’t carefully reading that error-- it was:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ‘User should create a valid user’

I accidentally had @invalid = @valid.merge!(…new password…), and
that was breaking the should be valid test, the invalid one works with
the expect block. So that way works… Thank you.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:27 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]

Hi again,

user = User.create(@invalid_attributes)
user.should_not be_valid

This gives me:

NoMethodError in ‘User should fail when passwords do not match’
undefined method `handling_predicate!’ for #<Spec::Matchers::Be:
0x104d8a518 @args=[:be_valid]>

This suggests that you’re mixing versions of rspec and rspec-rails
that are incompatible. What versions are you using, and do you have
any installed in vendor/plugins in addition to vendor/gems?

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:02 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]


User.create(@invalid_attributes).should be_false # using create
instead of create!

Hmmm… when I tried this, I get:

Oops - it’s this:

user = User.create(@invalid_attributes)
user.should_not be_valid

false, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> to be false

expect do
User.create!(@invalid_attributes) raise_exception(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

And when I tried it this way, I got the same error as before–

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ‘User should create a valid user’
Validation failed: Password doesn’t match confirmation

Try raise_error instead of raise_exception. If that works, you’re
using an older version of rspec. If not, I’m not sure what’s going on.

This suggests that you’re mixing versions of rspec and rspec-rails
that are incompatible. What versions are you using, and do you have
any installed in vendor/plugins in addition to vendor/gems?

Well, I did run rake gems:unpack:dependencies, which I believe is what
the rspec book had said to do…

So, there is rspec and rspec-rails in vendor/gems

both are 1.2.9… but if I do spec --version, I get 1.3.0


What command are you running?

I have just been doing script/autospec

… I actually posted on the rspecbook forum (haven’t heard anything
yet, so I’ll ask here) regarding autospec… When I ran it, it told me
that features were being skipped unless I supplied an environment
variable AUTOFEATURE=true… So, I exported that variable in my
bashrc file, but I find that my tests automatically rerun themselves
every second with autofeature turned on… So even if I am not
updating/saving files, the tests just keep getting executed over and
over… Is there a reason for this? When I watched BDDCasts, they
were using autospec with their features, and it didn’t appear to
behave that way for them, so I was wondering.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:55 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]

This suggests that you’re mixing versions of rspec and rspec-rails
that are incompatible. What versions are you using, and do you have
any installed in vendor/plugins in addition to vendor/gems?

Well, I did run rake gems:unpack:dependencies, which I believe is what
the rspec book had said to do…

So, there is rspec and rspec-rails in vendor/gems

both are 1.2.9… but if I do spec --version, I get 1.3.0

What command are you running?

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:24 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]

updating/saving files, the tests just keep getting executed over and
over… Is there a reason for this? When I watched BDDCasts, they
were using autospec with their features, and it didn’t appear to
behave that way for them, so I was wondering.

That’s likely because cucumber is generating a rerun.txt file and
autotest is picking that up for some reason.

That’s likely because cucumber is generating a rerun.txt file and
autotest is picking that up for some reason.

Ah… I do see that in my project directory there is a rerun.txt
file… How did that get created, and is the solution just to delete


I also get the infinite looping of the cucumber features being run.

The way I stopped it is by adding this:

Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|
%w{.svn .hg .git vendor rerun.txt}.each {|exception|

to ~/.autotest

Is there a better to do this?

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 12:24 PM, patrick99e99 [email protected]

That’s likely because cucumber is generating a rerun.txt file and
autotest is picking that up for some reason.

Ah… I do see that in my project directory there is a rerun.txt
file… How did that get created, and is the solution just to delete

Cucumber generates that for you. Take a look at your cucumber.yml file
and you should see some stuff about it. If you have any problems
please ask the cucumber mailing list for help:
