Trying to using if loop with session stored value but it won't fork


I’ve been trying to get the following code to work. I’m sure it must
be something simple. As you can see, the session is forced to hold the
value of ‘week’.

I simply need to check if the value session[:calview] is day. If it
isn’t then it’ll store 7 days into an array.

I’ve put the code into my controller and it simply won’t go to the
‘else’ statement. I’ve left in the logger.warn statements for you to
see. I’ve even tried to use a different variable just in case I was
doing something to session.

session[:calview] = “week”
currentcalview = session[:calview]
logger.warn(“Session holds (new): #{currentcalview}”)
if currentcalview = ‘day’
#Just list the calendar for one day
@dates = session[:dateviewing]
logger.warn (“I am inside the day viewer with date #{@dates}”)
#Means we wish to look at the week
@dates = []
startdate = session[:dateviewing]
curdate = startdate
enddate = startdate + 7.days
logger.warn(“I am inside the week viewer: Curdate #{curdate} End
Date: #{enddate}”)
while curdate < enddate do
curdate +=
logger.warn(“I am here with the following date(s) for the week

I’m sure there are nicer ways of putting 7 dates into an array given a
start date but I’m trying to cobble together bits of code from a
(short!) lifetime of pascal, c, vb, php, perl and lots of others! My
brains’ not coping too well as you can see! Any help to make the code
“nicer” would also be appreciated.

Any help in trying to work out what I’m doing wrong greatly



On 1 Sep 2008, at 13:40, Ruby on Rails: Talk wrote:

I’ve put the code into my controller and it simply won’t go to the
‘else’ statement. I’ve left in the logger.warn statements for you to
see. I’ve even tried to use a different variable just in case I was
doing something to session.

= is not comparison in ruby (== is). = is assignment, which evaluates
to the thing you are assigning, ie in your case ‘day’ which isn’t false



Thanks. It’s now checking properly.

Stupid mistake but I’ve been looking at this for over an hour and I
was about to throw either computer or myself out of the window.

On Sep 1, 1:46 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

I use Net Beans IDE for ruby and it catches right away. You might want
to try it, especially if you are new to ruby/rails.


On Sep 1, 8:49 am, “Ruby on Rails: Talk” [email protected]