Trying to use radio_button with a (possibly new) collection

I am trying to do a list of people in a collection that is shown with
a partial. This part works fine. The trouble comes when I put radio
buttons with each record for which family member gets the mail sent to
that house. If the record for a person is new, the radio button
returns ID instead of the id number that doesn’t exist yet. How can I
get the id of the record after it is saved and put it in
household.hoh ? Here is part of the app. By the way, I’m still using
2.3.9 until these problems are gone.


<%= link_to_function “Add a Person” do |page|
page.insert_html :after, “new”, :partial => ‘shared/
new_person’, :object =>
end %>

<%= render :partial => 'shared/person', :locals => {:household => @household} , :collection => @household.people.sort_by(&:birthday) %>
HOH Last Name First Name M Sex Month Day Year

<% fields_for “household[people_attributes][]”, person do |
person_form| %>

<%= radio_button "household", "hoh", :id, :class => 'hoh' %> <%= person_form.text_field :last_name, :style => 'text-align: left', :class => 'last_name', :size => 25, :maxlength => 25, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :first_name, :style => 'text-align: left', :class => 'first_name', :size => 25, :maxlength =>25, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :middle, :style => 'text-align: right', :class => 'middle', :size => 1, :maxlength =>1, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :sex, :style => 'text-align: right', :size => 1, :maxlength =>1, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :month_, :style => 'text-align: right', :size => 2, :maxlength =>2, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :day_, :style => 'text-align: right', :size => 2, :maxlength =>2, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= person_form.text_field :year_, :style => 'text-align: right', :size => 4, :maxlength =>4, :index => nil, :autocomplete => "off" %> <% if person_form.object.new_record? %> <%= link_to_function "Delete", "delete_row()" %> <% else %> <%= person_form.hidden_field :id, :index => nil %> <%= link_to 'Delete', person_path(, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %> <% end %>

def after_save
person = Person.find(self.hoh) # Of course, this is 0 at
the moment. I did after_save so the
| person
record would be there to access, I just need the id of it now,
self.first_name = person.first_name
self.last_name = person.last_name
self.middle = person.middle