Hello everyone,
I’m pretty sure that my problem is easy but I’ve been fiddling with
this for an hour and I cannot see why it’s not working
So in my model I defined this method :
def self.previous
find(:first, :conditions => [“time
< ?”,self.time,self.stop_id], :order => “time DESC”)
So I tried my code in the console
and when I do p.previous I get : NoMethodError: undefined method
`find’ for #Passage:0x2100b24
(p is valid instance of Passage)
Do anyone have an idea ?
On Jun 25, 2008, at 7:36 PM, DavidPaquet wrote:
< ?",self.time,self.stop_id], :order => “time DESC”)
You’ve declared the method ‘previous’ to be a class method (via the
“self.”). But then you call it on an instance of that class.
Change the method to this:
def previous
Also, youre conditions specify two arguments, but only one ‘?’ to
substitute in a value. And you’ll want to remove the “self.” from
those arguments as well.
Yeah sorry my fault I posted an old version and didnt look.
What I did is that I created a module called PassageFinder instead
module PassageFinder
def previous
find(:first, :conditions => [“time < ?”,Time.now], :order => “time
def next
find(:first, :conditions => [“time > ?”,Time.now], :order => “time
and I extended my relation with it so now I can do
parent.passages.next and it’s work 
Thanks tho!
Well yes, I started from an example which I didn’t really understand
at first and I tried to “fix it”.
You are right that I what I wanted was an instance method but I don’t
remember why it was not working yesterday. But after a some digging,
I found that named scope are exactly what I was looking for. They
also take in consideration my associations
So my final solution is :
named_scope :previous, lambda { |limit| { :conditions => [‘time
< ?",Time.now’], :limit => limit } }
So now I can do bus_stop.previous.3 and I get the previous 3 passages.
Hi David,
Looks like you’ve defined a class method, but are trying to call it from
an instance of that class. You’d need to call it like: Passage.previous.
Also, if time and stop_id are unique per instance, you’ll run into
problems there as well. Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish, but
it looks as though you could just make it an instance method (ie: remove
the “self” from def self.previous).
Hope that helps.