kopf1988 wrote:
Well, the online documentation is virtually garbage to me, so let’s
not even go there.
Don’t worry about plenty of the people on this forum wrote that
documentation. They don’t mind you saying that!
I am using a host that already has rails and mysql
and all that stuff installed. Now all I want is to be able to start
creating a ruby program using NOTEPAD and an FTP program (that’s all
I’ve ever needed in the past).
Create an app on your own computer, with the command line
rails my_app
Go inside, and start generating models, controllers, and views.
Then edit their contents with Notepad. Then run the site on your own
computer until it has enough features to be worth uploading to a server.
Can anyone maybe just tell me how I can go from what I have, to having
one simple ruby program that will display “Hello World” when I visit
my webpage from the world wide web?
Read the book /Agile Web D. with Rails, 2nd Edition/, by the
Virtual Garbage Programmers. It takes you thru all the low-level steps.
Do not ask this forum any question which that book answers.
And you don’t want Notepad or FTP anymore. Yes it’s fun to know how the
and bolts work, but they are not sustainable. You will need a real
editor. I
can’t live without one that does a multi-file Search, because all Rails
development consists of making a series of small tweaks to files in any
of 7
different folders.
And you will need a program called Capistrano to, among other things,
make a
backup of each version of your site when you upload the next one. All of
these techniques are leading-edge in the industry, they submit to
and SCP (and SSH) when you need them, and they help you go faster.
Test Driven Ajax (on Rails) [Book]
“Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)”
assert_xpath, assert_javascript, & assert_ajax