But its wipes out the existing index and creates a new empty one - the
pages for Ferret are currently unavailable - just wondering anybody else
has come across this? Is the ‘create=>false’ just not working or do I
have it wrong here ? ( I have also tried : create=>‘false’ - still the
same thing).
How do I get the version of Ferret I’m using by the way - I would have
posted that here if I knew how !
– Search.rb –
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘ferret’
index=Ferret::I.new(:path => ‘index’, :create=>false);
index.search_each(‘thane’) do |doc,score|
puts doc, score
– end
As far as i know, Ferret-built indexes are not binary-compatible with
Lucene anymore.
To find out the version, open a console and type:
gem list ferret
the highest version behind the ferret gem is the one in use.
Florian G.
Thanks Florian, that would be shame if we’ve lost that binary
compatibility ah well…
The version is:
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
ferret (0.11.6, 0.11.4)
And ignoring the Lucene/Ferret thing for the moment - the ‘search.rb’
program above seems to write over the index directory in any case (if I
run it twice , I get new mod times on the ‘segments’ files at least).
I don’t remember the reasoning behind it, but as far as i know, this
happend quite a while ago.
If you search http://www.ruby-forum.com/forum/5 for it, you might get
I think the ability to use Lucene directly from JRuby already makes
the ability to manipulate it
with ferret a cornercase most people will ignore.
Florian G.
On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, John Pritchard-williams wrote:
And ignoring the Lucene/Ferret thing for the moment - the ‘search.rb’
program above seems to write over the index directory in any case (if I
run it twice , I get new mod times on the ‘segments’ files at least).
I have not explicitly checked for this behaviour with the ff.rb
I modified (without touching that bit), but certainly the index is not
rebuilt, that would take ages.
for a bit of blurb about what I did.
You might like to experiment with that to see if its behaviour is
[For those reading the archive: that machine is doomed to die, and the
URL will change. I’d like to keep this stuff on the web somewhere, but
I’m not sure how that will work out]