Trying to make a Digest Auth extension for Net::HTTP


I’ve been trying to implement (client-side) Digest Authentication
capabilities to Net:HTTP (as stated in RFC2617) and am having trouble
modifying the headers before I send the request to the server.

So far I’m just starting, and am relatively new to ruby. But I am able
to request a page from the server, receive the 401 Forbidden message,
and extract the needed information from the header. Now I use that
information, plus a username and password to formulate a proper header
to use in my next request. But I don’t know how to do that.

ugly code below:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘digest/md5’

def unq(str) // unquote a string
str.gsub(/"/, ‘’)

def unwrap(wstr) // unserialize the auth header value into a hash
wa_hash =
wa_ary = wstr.split /, /

wa_ary.each do |str|
	k,v = str.split '='
	wa_hash[k] = v
return wa_hash


def wrap(whsh) // serialize a hash for use as a Auth header value
str =
whsh.each do |k ,v|
if(k == “qop” || k == “nc”)
str += k + ‘=’ + v + ', ’
str += k + ‘="’ + v + '", ’
return str.chop.chop

response = nil
Net::HTTP.start(‘’, 81) {|http|
response = http.request_get("/hierarch.htm")
response.each_header { |k, v| puts k + ": " + v }

wa_hash = unwrap( response["www-authenticate"] )

wa_hash.each do |k,v|
	puts k + ": " + v

dig_resp = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("admin" + ":" +
	unq(wa_hash["Digest realm"]) + ":" +
	"0000" + ":" +
	unq(wa_hash["nonce"]) + ":" +
	"00000001" + ":" +
	unq("c202ce") + ":" +
	unq(wa_hash["qop"]) + ":" +
	Digest::MD5.hexdigest( "GET" + ":" + "/hierarch.htm" ))

auth = wrap(Hash["Digest username" => "admin",
		"realm" => unq(wa_hash["Digest realm"]),
		"nonce" => unq(wa_hash["nonce"]),
		"uri" => "/hierarch.htm",
		"response" => dig_resp,
		"qop" => unq(wa_hash["qop"]),
		"nc" => "00000001",
	"cnonce" => "c202ce"] )

res = Net::HTTP.start('', 81) {|http|
  response = http.head('/hierarch.htm')
  response.add_field("Authorization", auth)  //not working
puts res.body

hello ben,

did you successfully integrate digest auth into net::http? if so, yould
you consider posting the code or - even better - submitting it to the
original author
for evaluation & inclusion in his library? that’d be cool.

thanks & kind regards,

On Jun 23, 2006, at 12:04 PM, Ben Schaffhausen wrote:

to use in my next request. But I don’t know how to do that.

Set the third argument to true if authenticating against an IIS
server, since Microsoft implements RFC 2617 differently from
everybody else. You can typically determine if a server needs the
hack from the Server header.

Try this, I don’t have a server using digest auth available, so I
can’t test for you.

require ‘digest_auth’

uri = URI.parse ‘http://user:[email protected]:81/hierarch.htm

res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) {|http|
response = http.head uri.request_uri
authorization = DigestAuth.gen_auth_header uri, response[‘www-
http.get ‘/hierarch.htm’, ‘Authorization’ => authorization

puts res.body

Eric H. - [email protected] -
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant