My code is…
zipstring = sprintf("select distinct zip from visits,households
where " +
" and
visits.month=‘%2d’ and visits.year = ‘%4d’ " +
“and visits.monthly = 1 order by;”,
datestart.month, datestart.year, dateend, datestart)
@ziplist = Household.find_by_sql(zipstring)
view - monthly.html.erb
<%= render :partial=>“monthly_report”, :collection => @ziplist %>
view - _monthly_report.html.erb
<%= @oxtotalstring = Household.find(:all, :conditions =>
[“ = ?,,
visits.month=?, visits.year = ?, visits.monthly = ‘1’”,
monthly_report, datestart.month, datestart.year ], :include
=> :visits, :order => “zip” ) %>
class Visit < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :household
class Household < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :visits, :dependent => :destroy
when I try this, the monthly_report variable in the partial looks like
Household_zip: “01537”
The only reason I’m using a find call here is that later in the code I
need to render a partial for each record found, then see child tables
from that variable, as in monthly_report.people. From what I’ve seen,
this functionality is lost using find_by_sql.
if I remove the ? and monthly report from the find call and put a
sample zip code in, it works fine. Is there some way to translate this
to a string I’m missing? I tried monthly_report.to_s and got the same
Thanks for the help
Bob S. [email protected]