Trying to create a collection to use for a report

I have a database of people that have used a local foodbank. The
problem I’m having now is that i need a way to put 2 collections into
one variable, like rails does it for partials. I want a variable
@oxford that does a Household.find_all_by_zip(‘01540’). This is no

The trouble comes when I try to combine lists of new families and
returning families to feed the partials properly… What I have is a
main page

oxford families
render partial => ‘monthly_report’, :collection => @oxford

new families
render partial => 'monthly_graph, :collection =>

returning families
render partial => 'monthly_graph, :collection =>

Rails doesn’t seem to like these two areas in the monthly_report
variable without being setup, so I hope there is a way to do this. I’m
hoping there is a way to set your collections the way you want to do a
report. Please help me with the proper way to set this variable up

Bob [email protected]

On Sep 4, 9:18 am, Bob S. [email protected] wrote:

I have a database of people that have used a local foodbank. The
problem I’m having now is that i need a way to put 2 collections into
one variable, like rails does it for partials. I want a variable
@oxford that does a Household.find_all_by_zip(‘01540’). This is no

The trouble comes when I try to combine lists of new families and
returning families to feed the partials properly… What I have is a
main page

oxford families
render partial => ‘monthly_report’, :collection => @oxford

new families
render partial => 'monthly_graph, :collection =>

returning families
render partial => 'monthly_graph, :collection =>

Rails doesn’t seem to like these two areas in the monthly_report
variable without being setup, so I hope there is a way to do this. I’m
hoping there is a way to set your collections the way you want to do a
report. Please help me with the proper way to set this variable up

What do you mean by “doesn’t seem to like”? What do the new &
returning methods return ?
