I am trying to figure out routing and thought that this would probably
be the best way to learn how to do some complicated routes. I’ve
looked at a lot of people’s methods for getting the /articles/
2009/02/12/some-title to work but they all seem to forget to post some
custom method they’re writing like by_date.
So here was my stab at it, I know I need to gsub the title. I just
don’t know where (in the conditions?)
Having it installed, here’s how your model could look like:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
#you’ll need a “title_permalink” column at your “posts” table to
hold the permalink value #this method creates a permalink base on the :year, :month and
:title properties
has_permalink [:year, :month, :title], :title_permalink
def year
publish_date.year if publish_date
def month
publish_date.month if publish_date
class << self
# this method finds the record with the specified permalink, you
can even pass the params hash directly
def find_by_permalink( options )
first( :conditions => { :title_permalink =>
“#{options[:year]}-#{options[:month]}-#{options[:title]}” } ) ||
raise( ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, options.inspect )
#at your controller
def show @post = Article.find_by_permalink( options )