New to ruby and unfamiliar with the function ‘truncate’
Also, what does this do:
gsub(/<.*?>/, ‘’)
Particularly, the regex.
New to ruby and unfamiliar with the function ‘truncate’
Also, what does this do:
gsub(/<.*?>/, ‘’)
Particularly, the regex.
Hi –
On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, Justin To wrote:
New to ruby and unfamiliar with the function ‘truncate’
Also, what does this do:
gsub(/<.*?>/, ‘’)
Particularly, the regex.
gsub does global string substitution of a pattern with a replacement
You’re absolutely going to have to start using ri if you want to learn
about Ruby methods. Start with:
ri gsub
then realize you care about the String version, and do
ri String#gsub
and so forth.
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Intro to Ruby on Rails July 21-24 Edison, NJ
Advancing With Rails August 18-21 Edison, NJ
See http://www.rubypal.com for details and updates!
gsub replaces stuff that matches the first expression with the second
parameter. In this case, the second parameter is empty, so it’s
matches with nothing, effectively stripping them out.
The regex looks a little odd to me, but it looks like it’s trying to
everything between angle-brackets from the string. I’m not sure about
the ?
though, I would have thought that
would have the same effect?
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Justin To
[email protected]
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Paul S.
[email protected]
I looked further into it. Given the text:
The version you posted will first match
The version I posted is greedy, and matches the whole of
I guess you want the version you posted
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Paul S. [email protected]
would have the same effect?
Paul S.
[email protected]
Paul S.
[email protected]
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